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Fast food essays

Fast food essays

Appointments run into your lunch hour. Schlosser's style and progression in this chapter both builds and strengthens his argument in several ways, fast food essays. Academic level. West Virginia University, 30 Jan. This connection between Disney and McDonald's seemed to ensure fast food essays both would remain significant parts of American culture, food and otherwise, and as Schlosser says, the work of Walt Disney and Ray Kroc "had come full circle.

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Eating is no longer a practice done just for the sake of it. With many processed food available, it has become a nightmare for most people who say that they are diet conscious. For these people, they tend to scrutinize a product before they buy it but little do they know that the same ingredients they could be avoiding are exactly what they are going to get. The threads of ideas as presented by Pollan in the first chapter of the book are scrutinized to establish the truth in it. This book tries to examine how this happens by explaining to the reader how fast food essays food chain works and its relationships with almost everything present in the environment. Though most people try to choose what it is they eat hence the question, what shall eat for dinner?

If you enter a supermarket, for instance, the various products displayed could only be attributed to the two main sources plants and animals. The author claims that most people feel satisfied eating at the bottom of the food chain without considering any repercussions their habits might upset the chain, such people he says should not have any business with this book. His main targets are people who want to eat in the know. From what animals like chicken, turkeys feed on, ingredients of most foods e. milk, eggs, and most drinks so in essence what we eat is just corn.

He looks to admonish people against falling into the trap set by big marketing companies and fast food outlets Nestle, p He therefore critically analyses the food chain using corn to demonstrate that indeed all food originates from one source even though they may appear not related in any way. This text depicts an environment where people have been confused by so many types of food making them unable to decide as to what is good or not good to be eaten. This is precisely the audience the author is trying to address by explaining to them the chains of food and how all of them are related to the other. He says that if you start from one point of the system you will find yourself at the end at the same fast food essays you started.

The author mentions that the dilemma faced by people especially the omnivores fast food essays rise to this text. His main agenda was to explain how the food chains worked and their inter-relationships with each other. The circumstance surrounding this text is pure consumption of healthy food by all people. He seems to argue that the more the food is processed and ingredients added, the more the chances of it bringing complications when selecting what to eat and what not to. The author argues that the destruction of the environment by the hunters and gatherers has resulted in the food chain disaster we are currently experiencing.

In this chapter, plant, the author tries to explain how corn though thought to be harmful is the center of all the food chain. He examines the corn plant which is an ancient plant with its origin dating back to a very long time ago and concludes that indeed the plant plays a major role in the food chain. Corn feeds the chicken and the pig, fast food essays turkey and the lamb…., fast food essays. The author arranges the text in a manner that takes the reader from one point to the other without much struggle. He starts by examining the importance of corn in the form of an experience in the supermarket and how almost everything displayed contains corn.

He goes further and explains the concept of corn walking which he says is due to the consumption of corn in almost all food we consume. The third part explains the rise of maize or Zea Mays, also related to corn, which eventually adapted itself to the climatic conditions of North America and hence became the staple food in the region, fast food essays. It further describes the dependence of the plant by man hence guaranteeing its existence. The text has been written in a manner that flows naturally and is easy to follow. How will they know if almost all the food comes from a common source that is fast food essays plants and animals?

These plants and animals largely depend on one another, so is there any form of strictness? Methods of Rhetoric Criticism: A Twentieth-Century PerspectiveDetroit: Wayne State University Press, Kuypers, Jim A. Rhetorical Criticism: Perspectives in Action. Idaho: Lexington Books, fast food essays, Nestle, fast food essays, Marion. Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Healthfast food essays, California: University of California Press, Pollan Michael. New York: Penguin, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy.

Table of Contents. Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works cited. Learn More, fast food essays. Pollan specifically for you! Pollan was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and fast food essays purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. GET WRITING HELP. Cite This paper. Select a referencing style:. Copy to Clipboard Copied! APA-6 MLA-8 Chicago N-B Chicago A-D Harvard. Reference IvyPanda. Bibliography IvyPanda, fast food essays. References IvyPanda, fast food essays. More related papers. Check the price of your paper. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy OK.

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October 3, January 1, For a fast company, such as McDonald's or Burger King, where there are high levels of attrition, and many staff may include students who do not see the company providing long-term career opportunities, motivation can be particularly challenging Kroc, This paper provides an outline of how to improve motivation in a fast food operation, taking into account the circumstances which are prevalent within the fast food industry. The outline considers some of the topics and the theoretical basis, with the subsequent section providing practical advice and the implementation of strategies specifically for the fast food chain. Outline of topics and subtopics for recommendations Motivation of employees is an important consideration for employers.

It is important to understand what does…. References Autor, DH Science, , Buchanan, D. Organisational Behaviour. Cook, S. The Essential Guide to Employee Engagement: Better Business Performance Through Staff Satisfaction. London: Kogan Page Publishers. Herzberg, F. One more time: how do you motivate employees? Harvard Business Review, 46 1 , Food Menu and Nutrition Food Menu Overview The objective of this study is to create two food menus as follows: 1 one healthy food menu; and 2 one unhealthy food menu, from a local fast food restaurant. Following the creation of these menus, this work will write a nutritional analysis of the meal created, discuss the reaction of the writer to this information and describe how this will affect the food choices of the writer in the future in terms of food choices from fast food restaurants.

The food choices that one makes when dining at fast food restaurants make a great difference in the amount of nutrition received from dining at fast food restaurants as well as the total calories that are consumed and the other factors that make foods either healthy or unhealthy for consumption. One might assume that dining at a fast food restaurant is in general…. Bibliography McDonald's USA Nutrition Facts for Popular Menu Items nd Nutrition McDonalds. pdf Nutrition Calculator nd McDonalds. Food Intake Analysis Food Inake Analysis Who does not want to be healthy? However, to achieve such an admirable goal, it will require diligence, motivation, and consistency.

To many, this is quite a daunting task that is met with much resistance because of the level of commitment and consistency that it requires. Insomuch, with all the various types of fast foods available and society's life style, the challenge to reach and to maintain an ideal rate seems impossible. According to the Center for Disease Control , the U. obesity rate at Since I am concern about my health and refuse to become a statistic, I will analyze my food intake for three days. ecorded Intake Below is my recorded 3-day food intake. Based on the data, several adjustments will should be made to reach the recommended dietary reference intake USDA, References Build a Heathy Body n.

Let the pyramid guide your food choices. htm Center for Disease Control -- CDC. Adult obesity facts. html MyFitnessPal. Charts and reports. All of these attributes are more likely to be provided by multiple sourcing. However, multiple sourcing can make it difficult to encourage a continued commitment by suppliers to offer consistent and competitive prices. Adjusting or 'tweaking' the menus seasonally offers a potential risk management strategy. Frequent menu changes means Ms. Nok will never be at the mercy of an individual supplier and without bargaining power if, for example, the price of beef suddenly escalates. On the other hand, she will be unable to reduce her orders substantially without incurring a large price 'hike' given that she does not have an exclusive, close relationship with a supplier.

Having bulk vegetables, meats, and fish from a single supplier that can be seasoned in unique ways to allow for diversity might be one way to make single sourcing work, and if sympathetic high-quality producers were found with which to establish a relationship, this…. Food Security and Feeling Secure in the World: The critical links between food security and social justice When evaluating the relative security of a nation, it is only natural to focus upon 'showier' aspects of security, such as the need to ensure that a nation's borders are protected from a military onslaught or terrorist attack.

However, security must be conceptualized in a broader fashion to also include socio-economic equality and the right to feel safe and secure in one's person. The issue of food security and food distribution is an area of increasing concern in America and in the world at large. Food security affects the health of the nation and also the relative contentment of people and their belief in the ability to secure the American dream of social mobility. General issues of community health and hygiene are intimately related to food security, given that the concerns about access…. References Access to healthy affordable food. Public Health Law Center. Retrieved from:. Food, Technology and Class The digestive divide: Food, technology, and class and the changing eating habits of Americans and people around the globe Much has been written about the 'digital divide,' or the fact that poorer people tend to have less access to cutting-edge technology and are thus disenfranchised from many educational, vocational, and personal opportunities for self-improvement.

However, this digital divide is also seen in the different eating habits of the social classes, only in reverse. Today, wealthier people have access to simpler, healthier food that requires less technology to produce. Once upon a time, bitter greens like arugula and fish like salmon were the foods of the poor while the rich dined on heavily spiced meats and alcohol. Today, the equation has been reversed. Wealthy people can afford to eat organic produce and wild-caught fish. But walk into any disadvantaged neighborhood and you will find a bodega that….

References Blatt, Harvey. America's food: What you don't know about what you eat. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press, Mintz, Stanley. Sweetness and power. Winne, Mark. Closing the food gap. Boston, MA, USA: Beacon Press. Fast Food Delivery Green Bean Delivery delivers fresh produce to the door of customers who sign up for deliveries. So instead of purchasing produce fruits, vegetables, dairies from the grocery store and not knowing where they come from -- Mexico, California, South America , Green Bean Delivery does all the work for you. The only question is: where do Green Bean's products come from?

To find out, some investigative work was needed. This paper will show who is behind the produce that Green Bean Delivery delivers straight to the door of its customers, how it is produced, what goes into the process of growing, harvesting, transporting and preparing the items that are then sorted and shipped to customers. The number one claim of Green Bean Delivery is that it uses organic produce and natural groceries to please its customers. This is a great claim and one that makes a lot of…. References Claren, R. The Green Motel. Gottlieb, R. Food Justice. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. Schlosser, E. Boston: Mariner Books. food increasingly popular a leisure activity. Background Information: Food people solely 'food fuel'. Food,, aspects a leisure activity: shopping [ farmer's markets], eating, cooking, reading, TV viewing, blogging.

Food as a Leisure Activity Conditions in the contemporary society have made it possible for people to change their perspective regarding some concepts and things as simple as food have come to represent a leisure activity. Individuals are no longer interested in eating with the purpose to satisfy this need, as many people presently regard cooking and eating as an art. Moreover, one needs to focus expansively on these concepts in order to harvest all the benefits associated with making and eating food. Food has reached a whole new level in first-world countries, considering that the financial condition that people in these countries have virtually enabled them to see food as being more than just a necessity. Numerous individuals are actively….

Works cited: Adema, Pauline, "Vicarious Comsumption: Food, Television and the Ambiguity of Modernity,"Journal of American and Comparative Cultures Food Choices in Australia Today Consumers in many developed nations are experiencing a veritable epidemic of obesity, a trend that has been exacerbated both by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle as well as the types of foods that are consumed. Fast food and high fat content have also contributed to these trends, and the healthcare costs associated with treating obesity are enormous. Furthermore, unhealthy food choices during the formative years in early childhood can also result in a lifetime of weight-related problems, making the need to identify factors that influence food choices in a given setting a timely and important enterprise.

To this end, this paper provides a discussion concerning three of the most important factors that have been identified by researchers as potentially influencing food choices in Australia households, which are food availability, individual preferences for flavor and taste and, increasingly, the environmentally responsible manner in which foods are produced. References Bellisle, F. The determinants of food choice. EUFIC Review. Craig, L. The money or the care. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 40 4 , Contributors: Emma Costantino - author, Sian Supski - author. Journal Title: Journal of Australian Studies. Issue: Publication Year: Grainger, C. Nutritional improvements and student food choices in a school lunch program. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 41 2 , Health Public Good Public Health as a Public Good The United States has one of the lowest cost food options available to its consumers in the world.

For an extended period, people assumed that this was a benefit of capitalism and that competition had helped push down the prices and made food available at lower costs through the market. However, many externalities have arisen in these circumstances that are now pointing researchers to question the consequences of having mass processed food available to consumers. The United States, as well as many other industrialized nations, currently has epidemic rates of obesity as well as the related obesity diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. This trend is not restricted to just adult and the obesity rates among children have subsequently risen as well.

This has made many instructions and activists compare the effects of poor diets and their health consequences to…. Works Cited Adams, R. Benloulou, J. McDonald's: An In-depth Case Study of a Fast Food -- Obesity Lawsuit. Chicago Defender. As far as society is concerned, the effects of high obesity rates would include: an increase in health care costs, less productivity and increasing disability rates. This is significant, because the information provides a way of seeing the total impact that obesity is having on the individual and society.

Where, the overall long-term costs for the individual will mean the possibility of being exposed to a number of different conditions simultaneously. At the same time, society will have to bear the economic impact that obesity rates will have on the economy, as it will lead to higher costs and less productivity. Vissche pp. During these reports, the high statistics and the total amounts of obesity are usually highlighted. Bibliography F as in Fat, , American Trails, viewed 4 Aug. consumer issues concerning health and nutrition that have an impact on planning food service operations?

How do these concerns impact menu planning and trends in the industry? From the perspective of operators of a food service organization, the rise of food intolerances and allergies has the clearest, immediate impact on their day-to-day work and planning. Clearly labeling foods for common allergens, particularly foods which do not obviously contain the offending substance like foods fried in peanut oil, for example is essential to avoid liability concerns. It is also important to have a variety of options for consumers with food-related issues, such as dairy-free options and nut-free options. Having proper practices in place such as hand-washing and wearing gloves is also essential.

Even if customers do not have to go gluten-free, dairy-free, wheat-free, or meat-free for life-threatening reasons, many are doing so because of the perception real or imagined that…. References Aubrey, A. Want a calorie count with that? FDA issues new rules for restaurants. With more patrons with food allergies, restaurants cater to every need. The Boston Globe. Food Justice Movement and Its Themes Intersectional Theory is the study of systems that intersect in terms of power structure dichotomies -- oppression vs. hegemony -- and approaches this intersection from the standpoint of focusing on how various variables such as gender, age, class, etc. interact with cultural, ecological, environmental, economical categories in different ways. In the food justice movement, "the social relations of food have been organized along lines of gender" with women predominantly in the role of food preparer, thus projecting woman's role in the world "in deep, complex, and often contradictory ways" Allen, Sachs, , p.

Yet, with the globalization of food through the rise of multinationals, the powerful role held by women in food preparation and production has been taken from them and placed in the hands of the corporations Shiva, , p. Food simultaneously elevates and impoverishes women in terms of the social…. References Allen, P. Women and Food Chains: The Gendered Politics of Food. International Journal of Sociology of Food and Agriculture, 15 1 , Patel, R. Food Sovereignty: Power, Gender, and the Right to Food. PLoS Medicine, 9 6. Anthro In "McDonald's in Taipei," u describes the radical changes to Taiwanese culture that took place during the s. The introduction of American fast food to Taiwanese markets symbolized the nature of the changes to Taiwanese culture that ensued.

McDonald's is not singularly to blame for the decimation of the diversity of traditional Chinese food from the mainland, but prior to its introduction, there was a cornucopia of independent eateries boasting food from various regions. However, u also discusses the symbolic role of McDonald's in Taiwan in relation to the development of Taiwanese national identity. According to u, Taiwanese identity has formed largely in response to its need to politically and culturally distance itself from mainland China. As Taiwanese people sought new ways of expressing its food culture as being distinct from the mainland cuisines that once flourished there, it turned to the indigenous foods of the island as well….

Works Cited Kottack, Conrad P. childhood obesity and its correlation to social-economic background. he researchers argued that attention to childhood obesity focuses on genetic and environmental factors, and there is the increasingly prevalent belief that pediatric obesity may be a combination of both. Environmental factors can limit obesity but what -- the researchers wondered - stimulated the influencing environmental factors Previous study: What has the previous study found out? A previous study that the researchers had conducted stipulated three prime factors that were environmentally responsible for obesity.

hese were: low weekly levels of moderate physical exercise, high levels of daily television viewing, and routine participation in a school lunch program. Hypothesis: he hypothesis of this study was that certain socio-economic backgrounds were more conducive for introducing these factors than were others in that -- and this was their hypothesis - median household income influenced nutrition and recreational activities. Investigation of this suggestion was the purpose…. The correlation may be there but it pertains just to Massachusetts and indicates correlation rather than causality. Source Eagle, T.

Understanding childhood obesity in America: Linkages between household income, community resources, and children's behaviors. Food Sustainability The topic for this project is sustainability in the way food is processed and packaged. This paper will investigate the cost effectiveness of processing and packaging food in a sustainable manner over the long-term. Industries are slowly making sustainable changes in the packaging of products, but not necessarily in the processing of the foods Pollan, Sustainability has been a major marketing factor in the way food is delivered Author.

Research has demonstrated that the current food system plays an important role in causing climate change and how better food choices could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This makes the production of the food supply an important factor in sustainability with environmentally and social affects. The "Our Common Future" report describes sustainability as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs owden, As the meanings…. Bibliography Author, U. Connecting family, community, and health from a food system perspective.

pdf Author, U. Soil Association. Retrieved from Feeding the Olympics. Bowden, C. Woodbury University. Davis, A. Increasing cropping system diversity balances, productivity, profitability and environmental health. PloS ONE, 7 10 , E47, And moreover, a vitally essential component which completes the recipe for food and beverage success is a terrific staff, which springs from the planning that goes into finding talent, followed by the training and maintenance of staff excellence through intelligent processes. This paper reviews those issues, and the research which delves into how notably competent H and hands-on management can bring - and keep - high-caliber employees on board successfully.

Article 1: "How the achievement of human-resources goals drives restaurant performance," by Daniel J. To often today,…. Hospitality-management Competencies. Koys, Daniel J. How the achievement of human-resource goals drives restaurant performance. When Paul le Von took over the food service director FSD at St. Mark's Hospital in Salt Lake City, he faced a number of challenges. Like other FSDs who are new to a job, le Von wanted to make numerous dramatic changes in a short period of time - renovating the facility, upgrading the menu, creating more responsive customer service - to show he was worth his salt. Also, he knew that in order to get the things done that were first on his agenda - such as a customer service overhaul " a friendlier way of talking with customers, more like a waiter in a restaurant" Bond, - he full cooperation with.

How Fast Food Restaurants are Reacting to the Shift to More Organic Foods: To remain competitive, fast food restaurants have had to turn to innovative products, often redeveloping their product lines, to meet the changing demands of consumers for organic foods specifically, and healthier foods in general. The demand for organic foods has been the mechanism for industry evolution. As noted, McDonalds phased out their supersize menu items, in response to society's growing health concerns. In addition, they've begun to offer more healthy menu choices, such as low-fat items and fresh salads, to their customers, as well as promoting healthy lifestyles in their marketing campaigns. In the New England area, McDonald's even replaced their coffee with Newman's Own Organic blend, in an attempt to take further advantage of more organically-discriminating tastes of consumers.

This move has been well-received in the region[18]. In addition, new fast food restaurants are being introduced…. Bibliography Abelson, J. Brunning, R. Available from Datamonitor. Americanization of Foods: Food is traditionally considered as a simple means of subsistence but has developed to become filled with cultural, psychological, religious, and emotional significance. Consequently, food is currently used as a means of defining shared identities and symbolizes religious and group customs. In the early 17th and 18th centuries, this mere means of subsistence was considered as a class maker but developed to become a symbol of national identity in the 19th centuries.

In the United States, food has been influenced by various cultures such as Native American, Latin America, and Asian cultures. Consequently, Americans have constantly Americanized the foods of different cultures to become American foods. The process on how Americans have Americanized different cultures' foods and reasons for the Americanization is an important topic of discussion. Background Information: As previously mentioned, food was traditionally considered as a mere means of subsistence, especially in the 17th and…. Works Cited: "America's Take on Ethnic Food. The Art Institutes, 2 Mar. Ikerd, John. University of Missouri, n. West Virginia University, 30 Jan. James Madison University, 4 June and, lastly, due to Australian's tendency to work longer and longer hours, chicken has an appeal to the fast-food orientated consumer, with a limited amount of time in the day to take meals.

However, one of the largest international influences for Australian restaurants is Asia, in general. As Henly surmises, Australians want simpler lives but more complex food experiences. They want value, but also flavor and visual appeal. As noted earlier, the food service industry is steadily growing due to increased consumer incomes and lifestyle changes. Fast-food hamburgers are being replaced by Chinese takeaways. However, Chinese takeaways is only a small portion of the picture. With more than 2, Chinese restaurants in the country, Chinese is clearly the most popular choice of Asian restaurants in Australia. However, Thai and Japanese restaurants are becoming increasingly popular. In fact, according to Elizabeth Chong, a Hong Kong Goodwill Ambassador, who has run…. Gatfield, T.

An examination of consumer behaviour and trends related to chicken and beef meats in Australia," Journal of Food Products Marketing vol. Such alternatives are, however, more expensive. The health consequences associated with fast foods, however, render such foods harmful and worthless as they reduce human lifespan. Due to high-calorie content, consumers risk suffering from such diseases as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Obesity is a risk factor for diabetes. Given that a significant number of consumers make poor choices regarding their diet, most of them end up consuming hot dogs, pizza, hamburgers, chips, ice cream, chicken nuggets, fried chicken, sandwiches, among other tasty but high-salt, high-calorie fast foods.

At times, the demand for fast foods is so high that hygienic standards are often compromised in some restaurants. In some cases, cows and pigs are hung upsides down, while chicken is cramped in stuffy, enclosed spaces, slaughtered and quickly prepared for consumption. Food-borne illnesses sometimes occur in such cases, resulting in inflated health care costs to individual families and at national levels. Having evaluated the arguments above, it is clear that the health consequences of fast foods supersede the benefits. A wide range of research literature has proved that fast foods contribute significantly to adverse health conditions as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Such conditions cost the healthcare sector millions of dollars annually, and adversely affect the global economy.

For instance, obesity is one of the most devastating health conditions that drain the healthcare sector of the United States. It is surprising that the greatest number of obesity cases is not genetic- it is linked to consumption of high-calorie foods. In conclusion, fast foods present more problems than benefits to users. Consumers need to either avoid such foods or choose healthier alternatives, such as less salted foods although such options may cost more. Traditionally prepared food is relatively expensive and more time-consuming to prepare but it is certainly healthy.

In the long run, good health is more important. Pollan Michael. New York: Penguin, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents. Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works cited. Learn More. Pollan specifically for you! Pollan was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly.

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