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Ethical essay

Ethical essay

Staying on this website means you agree with our Privacy Policy and the way we use them for your experience I AGREE. Do you tell them? Just make sure you rewrite it so that it will sound different. References Ethical essay, Margaret, a; Lee, Melinda, ethical essay. Even if Gerard would avoid criminal charges, the fact that he is disclosing information could be bad for the firm because it will lose its integrity amongst its clientele. The caring ethic: more than kindness, the core of nursing science. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience.

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Leaving the Chinese market would mean, that company could take a major loss and it may affect the competitiveness of the firm in the global marketplace. That being said, this action would deal with the ethical dilemma, but at a high price. Working behind the scenes with the Chinese government, could mean that company officials, can slowly influence public policy on human rights. Where, government officials will not feel the public pressure to change. This could help to address the ethical dilemma. However, if these concerns are addressed in the wrong way, this could outrage the government. At which point, they could impose severe restrictions on the company. Select the most appropriate action and justify it. The most appropriate action that the company could take would be to: work from behind the scenes with the Chinese government.

Where, there would be an emphasis on addressing this issue in non-confrontational way. Bibliography Censorship in China. Amnesty International. Globe Trekkers, ethical essay. Multi-Family Executive. Is it ethical to encourage Hindus to eat beef-containing McDonald's products, even if the consumer is free to choose to do so? Is it ethical to alter the healthy French relationship to food, to sell quickly consumed 'food on the go' burgers in that nation? Or to market beauty products in Asia that stress the loveliness of ethical essay wider estern eye-shape that Asian women cannot attain, without plastic surgery?

If the marketing campaign is fully effective, the culture of the nation will be changed, even though stockholders may profit. Any business ethical essay can make a strong case for the view that agonizing over the impact of one's business decisions on the health of a competitor weakens your effectiveness," scoffs one industry analyst. Parry, but while behaving unethically in the short run may reap rich marketing rewards, one could counter that a culturally exploitative and damaging campaign could generate such…. Works Cited Boyd, ethical essay, Stephen. Feb "Word of Mouth -- Marketing Code of Ethics.

php Parry, Mike. html Sriniva, ethical essay, Tulasi. Ethical Challenge Scenaios in Healthcae Administation Scenaio 1: You have withdawn an offe at the last minute due to poo efeences to ethical essay ICU nuse manage candidate who has moved acoss the county to accept the job. The only way you will avoid a lawsuit is if she is hied ethical essay else soon. A close colleague calls to ask you fankly why you withdew the offe. What do you say? This paticula scenaio seems like moe of a legal issue than an ethical question. An ethical dilemma would be about whethe to talk to the fiend ethical essay not. It seems that thee ae a few sepaate issues with egad to the oveall scenaio. Fist, ethical essay, of couse is the legality of talking to the fiend at all.

Why does ethical essay want to know? Did she ecommend the employee? Next, what does an offe of employment mean? Anothe point to expound upon…. references: A survey of recently enacted state legislation. William and Mary Law Review, 39 1, ethical essay. Meier, K. Employee turnover and organizational performance: testing a hypothesis from classical public administration. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18 4. Robinson, R. The changing legal environment for employers: Implications for small businesses. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 22 1, ethical essay. Yoder, B. How reasonable Is "Reasonable"?

The search for a satisfactory approach to employment handbooks. Duke Law Journal, 57 5. Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership The basis of this book is the metaphor of light and shadow, which Johnson uses to show the kind of power leaders have and how they can use it for good but also for harm. When a leader has a lot of power over others -- and many leaders do -- it is vital that leader find a way to use that power properly. To do otherwise would be unethical, ethical essay, but that does not stop a number of leaders from doing things that are considered unacceptable from an ethical standpoint but yet are not illegal. The idea of ethics is ethical essay very important one, and something that often gets overlooked by leaders who are looking to get ahead Johnson, The most important consideration with Johnson's book, though, is that complex ethical issues are presented in clear language that is easily understandable.

References Johnson, C. Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: Casting light or shadow. NY: Sage Publications, Inc. Business Ethics Pattern of Ethical Challenges One company that consistently makes the news because of ethical issues is Walmart. This essay examines business ethics as practiced at Walmart. The company is now ranked as the world's largest retail chain. But that explosive growth has also made Walmart an exceptional target. How many companies can boast of their own dedicated watchdog organizations, whose sole purpose is monitoring the company's performance on a wide range of issues related to business ethics? Walmart is such a company, although it ethical essay probably prefer otherwise. According to the website of Walmart Watch, it exists solely to "hold Walmart fully accountable for its impact on communities, ethical essay, the American workforce, the retail sector, the environment and the nation's economy" Walmart Watch, Launched inWalmart Watch's stated purpose….

References Program Enhancements. Retrieved June 26, from. Conflict-of-Interest Ethical essay Analysis There are a number of ethical challenges faced by Kathy's provider in this case, ethical essay. Issues of disclosure, truth telling, protection of patient rights, preserving ethical essay nurse's integrity by not ordering diagnostic work that is ethical essay needed -- both the patient's mother and the hospital are putting pressure on her to order thistransparency, accountability, and conflict-of-interest are just a few of the ethical challenges faced by the provider in this case.

Each should be met as it arises and dealt with in the order that it appears over the course of the presentation. The first challenge appears when the mother requests a chest X-ray, which is unnecessary at this stage but because she has requested it and the practice manager ethical essay diagnostic test stats up, ethical essay, it could be arranged to please ethical essay the mother and the practice manager, ethical essay. However, to protect the integrity of the nurse, it…. References Page, A. Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses. DC: National Academies Press. Mayer, J. Emotional intelligence as a standard intelligence. Emotion, 1: Ethical issues are now just as much of a concern as they were thirty years or more ago. These standards were created not only to protect clients, but also to protect counselors, ethical essay.

It is evident that no matter what area of counseling one chooses to go into, ethical essay, there are always concerns and issues with ethical boundaries, and what is and is not acceptable. These roles dictate what behavior is appropriate and inappropriate professionally and personally. In the current essay,…. References American Counseling Association. ACA code of ethics. Alexandria, VA: Author. American School Counselor Association. Ethical standards for school counselors. Bodenhorn, N'Exploratory Study of Common and Challenging Ethical Dilemmas Experienced by Professional School Counselors', ethical essay, Professional School Counseling, 10, 2, p.

Emphasize the importance of courtesy, ethical essay, organization, and calmness to all staff members. These qualities on the part of the staff can reinforce the importance of generally good and ethical behaviour to the tourists, which may then carry over to their behaviour in the destination country. Maintain a neutral ethical essay on the culture of the destination country or countries. Making clear ethical essay all cultures have equal value and that ethical behaviour must be expected of all visitors. It must also be clear through explicit instructions and by example that tourists often have greater power than the people they are visiting and so must act with respect and restraint. Obey the laws, regulations, customs, and traditions of both departure and destination countries.

This is clearly linked to the above. Charter airline companies are private corporations, which ensures that those who own them either directly or indirectly…. References Fennell, D, ethical essay. Tourism Ethics. Clevedon, England: Channel View.

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Before writing your introduction, make sure you have a decent topic. Many ethical issues are ripe for exploring as you create your paper, so look at what is available and make sure you include the thesis statement. This will give the reader a clear idea of what you are for or against. From there, you can work to prove this to the reader, through the use of reputable resources. Create an outline that covers your main points. It takes some planning to work it all out ahead, but the actual essay will be much easier to write. Start the paper off with a great introduction paragraph. This should state the problem that you will be addressing and include a thesis statement. The thesis is the main point that the entire paper will be based around.

Without ethics, anyone would feel free to do anything to everyone else. The importance of ethics should be included in your essay on ethics. The body of the paper will be at least three paragraphs long and every paragraph should relate back to the thesis statement. Begin with an outline of your essay, to ensure you have all the information laid out clearly and in a logical order. Having an essay will help you write the actual essay on ethics faster, too. As you write, be sure to work invalid reasons for your claims. While you may feel strongly about things, you will get better results if you can back your statements up with actual studies and scientific facts.

Using expert quotes can also lend some weight to your arguments. Remember that most people have high ethical standards, but not everyone has the same ethics. If you need a little extra help for your essay on ethics, consider using a template. You can also look at an ethics essay example to learn more about how others structure their essays and present their claims. Once you have made your points clear, sum them all up in a final paragraph that will let your reader know your thinking once and for all. This conclusion should also include the thesis statement made in the first paragraph of the essay. Just make sure you rewrite it so that it will sound different.

Finally, check your ethics essay for any mistakes you may have made. You should also try reading the paper aloud to see how it flows. If you find that it catches and is choppy, you need to rewrite the transitions between paragraphs to make sure it flows. Oftentimes, the main key to success turns out to be the topic. This is a very crucial moment. If you select an inappropriate theme, your project is doomed to fail. Please, make allowances for the following suggestions:. Consider our list. How a person should behave in society.

But how do we justify our acts as ethical? An idea suggests that an act is ethical if it is benefiting the greatest number of people. While doing this, one is simply benefiting the whole population rather than causing any sort of harm. In the field of business, Utilitarianism applies to decision making. If the decision is benefiting the whole company then that is opted and put into practice immediately. In the case of criminal justice, we use this approach to test and set the punishment for the criminals determining on their acts and how widely that act affected the society. All these normative ethics are tested using the Utilitarian approach.

Utilitarian ethics can be applied to pretty much anything and can shine when dealing with complex situations with multiple competing factors. However, it is sometimes effortful and burdensome to deploy and its results can be counter-intuitive. Did anyone notice that their rights are being harmed? If looked from this perspective then this approach is unethical for all the minority groups. If that business decision leads to other small businesses to be closed. Maybe that criminal decision is not appropriate for everyone. Ethical Business Challenges Identify the ethical and legal issues of which Gerard needs to be aware. Gerard definitely needs to be aware of the potential conflicts of interest that he is currently dealing with. There are many rules and regulations that protect the firm's clients from any kind of disclosure of their internal state of affairs.

Obviously some of the information will be disclosed as public information once the accounting documents are released to the public, but even giving out public information before the official release is considered a crime. Even if Gerard would avoid criminal charges, the fact that he is disclosing information could be bad for the firm because it will lose its integrity amongst its clientele. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each decision Gerard has made and could make. Gerard needs to focus on his career and support his family; especially given his personal circumstance. Ethical Communication The Definition of Ethics In practically all areas of society ethical subjects are rapidly increasing.

Professionals in the health field struggle with ethical questions in relation to abortion, transplants, birth control, informed consent, life-support systems, malpractice suits, patient privacy, human genetics, and high costs of insurance, as well as care on the whole. Ethical matters in relation to nuclear power accidents, oil spills, disposal of industrial waste, defense weaponry, lead and asbestos poisoning, acid rain, as well as ecological balance challenge those in technology, science, and industry. People in the political ground deal with ethical queries in relation to unemployment, homelessness, foreign policy decisions, Social Security, welfare reform, electioneering costs, law enforcement practices, Central Intelligence Agency CIA activities, racial and gender discrimination, immigration control, drugs, crime, and lobbying actions.

The legal profession is blamed of unethical customs like engaging in doubtful plea-bargaining practices, motivating a harmful litigious spirit,…. Reference Arnett R. Dialogic education: Conversation about ideas and between persons. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. Berlo D. Dimensions for evaluating the acceptability of message sources. Public Opinion Quarterly, 33, Bauer R. The obstinate audience: The influence process from the point-of-view of social communication. American Psychologist, 19, Converse E. And Stokes L. Nonreactive measures in the social sciences.

Boston: Houghton Mifflin. hen searching for ideas use imagination and stimulate that imagination by brain-storming with others and reading the latest publications on the topic -- remember that approaches for difficult issue are always changing. Ten years ago, antidepressants were prescribed almost automatically for depression, now the use of such medication and their side effects, especially in teens, is under scrutiny. Step 6: Evaluate the evidence Sometimes writing things down can be helpful. hen contemplating different strategies of approaching the topic, charting and rating evaluations of the tentative solutions provides clarity. Viewing any data and studies side-by-side can be useful as well.

Compare and test these solutions in a series of hypothetical scenarios before trying them out in the real world. Step 7: Make the educated guess hypothesis After reviewing the evidence, boil down the client's situation into a general statement. Make an educated guess about what is the core problem; choose the…. Works Cited Decision-making worksheet. pdf Fourteen decision-making steps. Use of information technology has also led to job replacement in many businesses. This has led to unethical dilemmas by some companies who are forced to employ less man power and hence reducing their workforce. This has also led to other companies giving their employees more roles hence bringing about an increase in the work pressure to the employees.

The forcing of employees out of their work or even giving them more tasks with no extra benefits tied to them is an unethical business practice. Incase the employees have lost their jobs they should be compensated adequately but this is quite difficult for small businesses since they lack the sufficient resources and funds to compensate them. Software Piracy is another ethical dilemma that is posed by use of information systems in businesses. This especially comes in when it affects small scale producers of software's as they will incur big losses…. Reference Williams, R. Ethical Dilemma in the Use of Information Technology. Ethical and Legal obligations in financial reporting is extremely important in today's world, fraught as it is with corporate frauds and accounting scams and scandals of every other sort.

One Company, the Thornburg Investment Company, has taken a firm stand on financial reporting within its company, wherein all concerned officials are expected to report accurately, any actual, as well as suspected violations and breaches in the laws and rules and regulations of the company, to the appropriate personnel, immediately. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Another Company, the 'Trinity Capital Corporation' stresses the importance of adhering to the rules and regulations created by the Company so that the company's loyalty to its numerous shareholders may be apparent. Where financial reporting is concerned, all the employees of the firm are expected to comply with the generally accepted rules laid down by the accounting principles of the United States of America, so….

asp Accessed on 19 June, But the main question being asked by the people interested in this issue is if the fortunes play any significant role to the employees in Wuhan. This is quite unfair and unethical since the employees are the ones who make it possible for the products to be available in the market for Apples customers so they should enjoy the benefits the company gets. The financial strength of Apple is not in question but the position that apple takes in ethical issues such as workers welfare at its suppliers is what many people have growing interest in. The continued highlighting and emphasis by media houses on the working conditions at some of Apples suppliers may start to influence and alter how customers perceive the brands fro Apple Inc.

This might in the long run have an impact of the economic success that Apple has been boosting of in the recent years. Reference Hinks, P. Leaders we Deserve. Apple's new leader faces ethical dilemmas at Foxconn. Personal and organizational responsibility As the vision and mission statement of Global Homage is clearly stated, anybody who would aspire to become a member must have the innate desire to serve the people. Professionalism Everyone is expected to act professionally in adhering with all of the above stated code of ethics of the organization. Organizational Culture Global Homage is an organization whose leaders and members are committed to changing and helping the people to live a cleaner and healthier way of life. This is an organization whose…. References Anthony, John H. Association Management.

Ethical Argument: Smoking in the Workplace In , the Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA defined second- hand tobacco smoke as a potential workplace hazard, estimating that as many as 14, workers die each year from the effects of exposure to passive tobacco smoke. The National Cancer Institute endorsed much higher estimates, according to which as many as 65, Americans die each year from heart disease and lung cancer caused by inhaling secondhand smoke Washington Post, Since then, many states have instituted legislation prohibiting smoking in the workplace and the FAA has imposed an outright smoking ban on commercial aircraft, which many smokers view as an infringement of their rights.

Argument: While anti-smoking legislation certainly does affect the rights of smokers, it is justified on the basis of comparing the relative imposition on smokers to the rights of non-smokers to a healthy work environment. Certainly, smokers have the same…. References Washington Post; "Who's Protecting Workers' Health. The concentration on action and violence draws larger audiences, yet is not effective in selling products Pechmann, Levine, Loughlin, Leslie, esearchers have also found that the brains of pre-adolescents and adolescents have low levels of inhibitory control and therefore pursue reckless and risky activities due to their judgment not being fully developed Cauffman, Steinberg, The lack of inhibitory controls when combined with the an abundance of violent content leads quickly to replication of viewed acts of violence, especially in pre-adolescents, as verified through research completed Trimpop, udiger, Kerr, Kirkcaldy, Ethically this raises the question of whether the advertisers are more adept at the selling of violent acts than products, as the brains of the audience members they are selling products….

References Charlie Cray Booze for kids. Multinational Monitor, 22 6 , 4. Document ID: Cauffman, Elizabeth and Laurence Steinberg , " Im maturity of Judgment in Adolescence: Why Adolescents May Be Less Culpable Than Adults," Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 18 6 , Glenn Cummins Selling Music with Sex: The Content and Effects of Sex in Music Videos on Viewer Enjoyment. Matthew C. Farrelly, Kevin C. Davis, M Lyndon Haviland, Peter Messeri, Cheryl G. Evidence of a Dose-Response Relationship Between "truth" Antismoking Ads and Youth Smoking Prevalence. American Journal of Public Health, 95 3 , Ethical Dilemmas in Business Case One: This is a situation where a disgruntled worker from the company's main competitor mailed top-secret information or innovative product samples to me.

Some of the major concerns that arise include whether to forward the information to the firm's research department or to mail the information back to the competitor informing them what is happening. The other ethical dilemmas that arise include whether to ignore or throw the secrets away and whether to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigations FBI. hile this situation is more of an ethical situation, it's also a legal concern because of the legal aspects that arise when choosing the most suitable course of action and the legal implications.

From a legal perspective, this situation is covered by Uniform Trade Secrets Act, which contains various provisions on misappropriation and gathering information through improper means. According to the Act, misappropriation is obtaining…. Works Cited: Ackerman, Frank, and Kevin Gallagher. Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University, Oct. Millien, Raymond. Intellectual Property Attorney. DC-Based IP Attorney Raymond Millien, Mar. Whipple, Bryan. WebsiteBroker, Inc. As the narrow policy discussions regarding Physician-Assisted Suicide continue, we ought to encourage all presently existing and legal methods of reducing the painful sufferings during the last phase of life. eferences Drickamer, Margaret, a; Lee, Melinda. a; Ganzini, Linda. Emauel, Ezekiel. Kaplan, Kalman.

J; Harrow, Martin; Schneiderhan, Mark. women around the world: The degree of physician control" Ethics and Medicine, vol. Quill, Timothy E; Meier, Diane. E; Block, Susan. D; Billings, Andrew. References Drickamer, Margaret, a; Lee, Melinda. hat produces value in managed care is a good health outcome rather than medical intervention. Not every visit to a doctor is necessary; nor is every test conducted, every medication prescribed, or every placement in an intensive care unit going to produce an effective outcome. Ideally, medicine should be ruled by rationality and efficiency in the choice and implementation of evaluations and treatments. This means that the variability between providers not only should be but can be eliminated, and the only factors that should make a difference in deciding who to treat and what treatment to undertake is the nature of the patient's disease or injury Birenbaum, Ragan, and Athena DuPrae.

Partnership for Health: Building Relationships between Women and Health Caregivers. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, A www. Managed Care: Made in America. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, Ethical Business Behavior at CVS CVS is a pharmaceutical health care company that engages in the provision of mail order pharmacy, specialty pharmacy, retail pharmacy and retail clinic care. The company has a wide range of network outlets and a customer base that requires strict adherence to the industry's laws and regulations. The company has a set of guidelines to facilitate ethical business practice in operation across all its branches.

The corporation has in place a program on compliance and integrity owing to the vastness of its operations. The integrity and compliance program seek to ensure that the company's operations are responsive to the dynamics of the environment. The integrity and compliance program provide a code of conduct, procedures, policies and training regarding ethical behaviors. The company requires all its employees and branches to cooperate with investigations relating to compliance and regulations. The integrity and compliance program also provide incentives…. Leadership Defining an Ethical Leader Jeffrey Immelt, General Electric The nature of leadership is multifaceted and often requires the continual mastery of new skills, insights, intelligence and perspectives to stay effective over the long-term.

Such is the nature of ethical leadership, which requires a steadfast focus on a core set of ethical principles and values that guide a leader's judgment, ensuring consistency over the long-term. These are also the fundamental aspects of any leader's long-term credibility as well, and their ability to transform their enterprises over the long-term as well John, Ethical leaders often resonate with credibility and the willingness to also change quickly in response to the needs of their organizations, employees, stakeholders and customers. The purpose of this analysis is to define what an ethical leader is, how managers can progress to being more ethical in their leadership style, and how Jeff Immelt, CEO of general Electric,….

References Crainer, S. From Edison to Immelt: The GE Way. Business Strategy Review, 20 3 , Gonzalez, T. Leadership ethical dimension: A requirement in TQM implementation. The TQM Magazine, 14 3 , Heinze, E. The meta-ethics of law: Book one of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. International Journal of Law in Context, 6 1 , Immelt, J. Renewing American Leadership. Vital Speeches of the Day, 76 2 , Corporations to be Ethical and Responsible Over the last several years, the issue of corporate ethics has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because there has been a transformation in how firms are interacting with various stakeholders. In most cases, there has been a shift in which parties will receive the greatest benefits from particular activities i.

The shareholders, board of directors, managers and analysts. This has increased the underlying amounts of mistrust that the public will have in the actions of firms. To address these challenges, the majority of organizations have been adopting a code of ethics. This is a part of larger effort, to create a series of guidelines that will help everyone to determine the best course of action in a variety of situations. The results are that most people believe this has helped to create a standard which is transforming the work environment.

Works Cited Crosson, S, , Principles of Accounting, Houghton Mifflin, Boston. Fernando, M, , 'Ethical Ideologies,' Journal of Business Ethics, vol. Ferrell, O, , Business Ethics, South Western, Mason. Garber, P, , The Ethical Dilemma, HRD, Amherst. Future Challenges Facing U. Healthcare: One of the major issues that the United States has encountered in the recent years is the country's healthcare system especially in the wake of the need for healthcare reforms. However, even with the ratification of healthcare reform policies by the Obama administrations, the country's healthcare system is likely to continue facing some challenges in the future.

Current Healthcare Problems in the U. Based on analyses at the beginning of , approximately 47 million people in America have no healthcare insurance. Consequently, these people forgo visits to the hospital for preventive care and are unable to pay for healthcare services. The lack of healthcare insurance by a huge portion of America's population is also attributed to the high costs of healthcare…. References: Bryant, B. Issues and Challenges Facing Health Care Workers. html Johnson, T. Healthcare Costs and U. Bill's Invitation Joe has made considerable progress towards contract renewal between UWEAR and Peninsula Hotel chain and has planned a meeting with his management team to discuss the contract renewal. In light of the challenges relating to decline sales and profitability of UWEAR as well as the increased pressures to perform, Joe is optimistic that the contract renewal between these two firms will help in promoting continued success and employment with UWEAR.

However, the contract negotiations have created a strained relationship between Joe and Bill lately because of the complexities involved in the negotiation process. Actually, the good relationship between Joe and Bill played an influential role in securing the contract renewal between the two companies despite the significantly cheaper offer from Threads4U. Bill has invited Joe and his wife for a short trip on the yacht, which will provide a good opportunity for both couples to catch up since…. However, a more effective approach than keeping inefficient employees may simply be to have a strong company policy about discrimination.

A zero-tolerance policy for harassment, a proactive approach to diversity, and actively recruiting individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds ensures that when layoffs occur, they are less likely to unfairly penalize one group more than another group. To avoid legal complications requires scrupulous record-keeping and clear policies about terminating workers. These policies should be articulated as part of the hiring process. These should be in place before the need for any terminations occur for the employees in question. Works Cited Blinn, Bridget.

Protective steps to follow when cutting your workforce. Forth Worth Business Press. Small business notes. In many instances, the structure of the test can be said to have an alienating impact on respondents as well. orks Cited: Amstrong, D. Malingerer Test Roils Personal-Injury Law. The all Street Journal. Butcher, J. Abbreviating MMPI Item Adminstration. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2 1. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolscent. Online at…. Works Cited: Amstrong, D. The Wall Street Journal. management challenges of globalization?

For example, what aspects of the U. legal-political institution could prove difficult for a Chinese firm operating a factory in America? You can provide your own examples if you wish. Economic globalization has not created a global culture. A firm doing business in China will have to cope with a very different legal and political environment than that which exists in the United States. Bribery and corruption is often an accepted part of life in the developing world. Also, workers may be used to different standards of living and relationships with managers than in the U. For example, the workforce of Europe is heavily unionized and has a higher level of expectation of worker benefits such as sick days than American workers because of the social services provided by the government in EU nations.

Wal-Mart's venture into Germany was disastrous for that reason. References Chessum, D. A study in command and leadership. htm Glass, Ira. Charles Duhigg interview. This American Life. Ethical System and Its Justification In the definition of an ethical system, there are both the ethical theories and ethical principles. These provide the viewpoints upon which an ethical analysis is conducted Schwartz, They provide guidance as to what path to take to arrive at the final decision James, To me, good is defined as that action which is ethical in nature and which complies with the standards of the society at large. There are several actions that I consider to be good. One example is helping another student revise for an exam.

Secondly, there is the action of helping an elderly woman cross the street. There is also the act of encouraging and motivating people in their daily lives. Another action that I consider to be good is that of letting certain persons such as the elderly or a pregnant woman cut the line where you are…. References James, H. Reinforcing Ethical Decision Making through Organizational Structure. Journal of Business Ethics, 28 1 , Morris, M. The Ethical Context of Entrepreneurship: Proposing and Testing a Developmental Framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 40 4 , Schwartz, M. The "Ethics" of Ethical Investing. Journal of Business Ethics, 43 3 , Thong, J.

Testing an Ethical Decision-Making Theory: The Case of Softlifting. Journal of Management Information Systems, 15 1 , Ethical Issues Surrounding the Adoption of Electronic Health Records EHR by Health Care Organizations and Meaningful Use The objective of this work in writing is to examine why health care organizations are hesitant to adopt electronic health records HER in light of the potential of HER to improve quality, increase access, and reduce costs. This issue will be examined from a legal, financial, and ethical standpoint and in relation to 'meaningful use'. The use of information technology in the health care field shows a great deal of potential toward improving quality, efficiency, and safety in medical care.

Bibliography A New Hospital EMR Adoption assessment Tool HIMSS Analytics. pdf American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of Accessed 5 August Daniel, J. And Goldstein, MM Consumer Consent Options for Electronic Health Information Exchange: Policy Considerations and analysis. DesRoches CM, Campbell EG, Rao SR, et al. Electronic health records in ambulatory care -- a national survey of physicians. N Engl J. Med ; -- ethical issues that need to be taken into consideration when using human subjects in research. The biggest thing is informed consent. The subjects need to fully understand what the nature of the research is. Where there are risk to the subject -- unlikely in an interview setting -- these need to be fully explained.

In observation research, there is much more risk because the subjects are actually doing things, and this risk should be identified to the subject. It is the job of the researcher to anticipate the risks to the subject. The biggest thing with respect to minimizing risks is to understand ahead of time what those risks are. For me, I do not foresee too much risk. This means that aside from providing some opportunity for informed consent there are no real issues. If there are situations where risk is involved with human subjects, then there is often…. References Mannix, E. What differences make a difference?

Psychological Science in the Public Interest. pdf Ritchie, J. London: Sage Publications. ethical leadership course; it compares and contrasts the pseudo transformational leaders from authentic transformational leaders. Authentic transformational has four constituent; influence idealized, inspirational motivation, individualized considerations and intellectual stimulation which are contrasted in the imitation in their pseudotransformational leadership dissembling derived from ethical values existing in their leaders' program, vision and articulation which can be rejected or embraced by the followers. Manipulative, deceptive and more relevant behaviors which are devious are being attributed by critics to leaders who are transformational, pseudo transformational or authentic.

According to Bailey and Martin and Sims they take their stand that in order to succeed the entire leaders must be manipulative. However it is the leaders of pseudo transformational who are manipulative and deceptive. Authentic transformational leaders sometimes are manipulative for what they criticize to be the common good, while manipulative is a practice of regular pseudo transformation leaders and infrequent practice of…. WORK CITED Bass, B. LEADERS, 12 4 , Howell, J. Academy of Management Executive, 6 2 , Martin, N. Harvard Business Review, 36 6 , , Apple's Current Position On Its Ethical And Social esponsibilities Corporations are increasingly seeking a vision in maintaining social responsibility alongside a vision in business. There are also demands for greater accountability and transparency in corporate actions of organized consumers, state representatives and grass movements Garsten, Many corporations aim to engage in corporate citizenship and to be socially responsible by adhering to social accountability standards and voluntary codes of conduct.

This essay endeavors to examine Apple's current position on the social and ethical responsibilities and to determine whether it has met the responsibilities. The study also determines the impact caused by the violation of ethics and social responsibilities among Apple's suppliers. Current Position on the Company's Ethical and Social esponsibilities Corporate Social esponsibility comprises of actions that are not required by the law, but extend beyond the transactional interest of companies and further social good. CS is often used to….

References Creel, T. Environmental Reporting Practices of the Largest U. Management Accounting Quarterly 12 10 : Garsten, C. The cosmopolitan organization -- an essay on corporate accountability. Global Networks 3 3 -- Kenney, M. How venture capital became a component of the U. National System of Innovation. Industrial and Corporate Change, 20 6 : -- Northrop, E. The Accuracy, Market Ethic, and Individual Morality Surrounding the Profit Maximization Assumption. American Economist, Vol. The program focuses on building an ethical culture, but does not appear to specifically address fraud risk assessments, controls over fraud prevention or other SOX provisions.

One suggestion would be to align executive compensation with the objectives of the shareholders. Options only bring about temporary alignment, so shares or other long-term strategies should be used instead. This will help management to focus on both ethics and profitability. Another suggestion would be to build upon their existing program by creating job-specific training as well as corporate-wide training. This way the scenarios that the workers are exposed to are specific to situations they might see, which will bring the message closer to home. orks Cited No author. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Federal Sentencing….

Works Cited No author. Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Ethics Resource Center. The published codes of ethics for different professions try to make it clear that "professional" in that occupation will not misuse that power, and especially that the use will not be made for personal gain. Of course, in totality, the codes of ethics should provide guidance about the values to be upheld in the profession, specific ethical principles and specific standards. Professional code of Ethics Since there is a wide variation in codes for different professions, it is required that codes from some professions be looked at to decide the ethical standards of a profession. However, studying ethical codes does not mean that the individual will be following the codes and behaving in an ethical manner.

This is mentioned clearly in the code for National Association of Social Work as "a code of ethics cannot resolve all ethical issues or disputes or capture the richness and complexity involved in striving…. Accessed on 30 July, Dean, John. Accessed on 30 July, Etzioni, Amitai. Accessed on 30 July, The field is social psychology, and the selected title is bullying. The articles selected as follows: Mundbjerg Eriksen, T. Long-Term Consequences of Workplace Bullying On Sickness Absence. Labor Economics, The study done in the article indicates that sickness, boredom, and poor productivity are some of the results of bullying from among employees.

The article is significant in that it helps to understand the effects of bullying at the workplace and hence aids in deriving ways to reduce its occurrence. The social setting at workplace relates to the social psychology effects as seen with the occurrence of bullying Mundbjerg Eriksen et al. Priest, N. Bullying Victimization and Racial Discrimination among Australian Children. American Journal of Public Health,…. Because surrogates are paid, is this a practice that exploits the poor, such as surrogate mothers in ndia? Why or Why not? Egg donation and surrogacy raises ethical dilemmas on all four basic principles of medical ethics: autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Autonomy Consent has to be given freely and with full volition of the surrogate mother.

Yet, most times, intense pressure is involved aside from the fact that poor women in ndia may capitulate to the need for money and be taken in by the huge sums offered. The emotional and medical pressures are immense, but these women are often grossly misinformed about the situation that they are bound to undergo. Their poverty hampers them from making the clear, informed decisions that they would otherwise need to in order to undergo the procedure. Whilst most egg…. International Journal of Health Services, 20, -- What Are the Ethical Concerns Regarding Egg Donation? htm Perloe, M. nd Eight is Enough: Balancing the risks of advanced fertility treatment. Georgia Reproductive Specialists. Business operations are deemed viable of they succeed in establishing conditions that guarantee safety for its product consumers.

Specified standards are applied by business entities to attain such viability. These considerations are critical in product safety, intellectual property, and marketing in general. If a company or business entity violates any of the aspects mentioned, it stands a high risk being caught in a web of ethical and legal complications that might destroy it. PhamaCARE finds itself in such a precarious predicament owing to its blatant violation of a number of legal and ethical standards. There were both ethical and legal problems that impacted on its clients and businesses. Investigating behavior is paramount in uncovering issues related to legal and ethical problems of any business entity.

Pursuant to the scenario above, identify three 3 legal issues and problems PharmaCARE has in relation to marketing and advertising, intellectual property, and regulation of…. Going on vacation or taking a day off resulted in coming back to a flood of emails about "mistakes" she had uncovered while you were away, so time off was not even seen as an incentive any more. As shown, there was really very little in comparison between my classroom and this department. One was a toxic environment due to poor leadership, while the other was a positive and nurturing environment due to leadership. Another writer states, "Successful leadership -- and the trust of those led -- demands a true partnership between leader and followers to create a team that advances our society toward the common good" Erickson, In my experience, there was no team with the unethical leader, the staff was divided into "us" against "them," and the leader had no clue that her actions were causing such dissension in the staff.

In conclusion, comparing these two leaders…. References Ciulla, J. Ethics, the heart of leadership 2nd ed. Westport, CT: Praeger. Erickson, a. Ethical leadership and the public trust: The winner of the ASPA Wallace O. Keene Conference Scholarship shares her thoughts on four important characteristics of leaders. Reilly, E. The future entering: reflections on and challenges to ethical leadership. In Competencies for Training and Development Professionals, the concept of training is described as a process, one that is designed "to build skills and knowledge through specific learning experiences" The process of Development builds on these skills, allowing learners to further expand on their knowledge base in ways that will best meet the needs of the institution and that will at the same time challenge them in ways that will help them to grow personally, intellectually and spiritually.

However, Development is not limited to the immediate expansion of skills learned in training; long-term goals are also considered, and these may range from future career paths to the coaching and mentoring of others. To approach these in a manner that is mindful of the ethical values of Saint Leo's, we must keep in mind that honesty is of utmost importance in all faculty members, staff,…. References Canadian Society for Training and Development Competencies for training and development professionals. CSTD Press. Longstaff, S. Ethical issues and human resource development James Ethics Centre.

Leo University, Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Ethics Ethical Challenges Essays Ethical Challenges Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. Parry, but while behaving unethically in the short run may reap rich marketing rewards, one could counter that a culturally exploitative and damaging campaign could generate such… Works Cited Boyd, Stephen. Anothe point to expound upon… references: A survey of recently enacted state legislation.

Launched in , Walmart Watch's stated purpose… References Program Enhancements. However, to protect the integrity of the nurse, it… References Page, A. Ethical Issues Are Now Just as Much Words: Length: 13 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : In the current essay,… References American Counseling Association. Ethical Dimensions of the Charter Words: Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Charter airline companies are private corporations, which ensures that those who own them either directly or indirectly… References Fennell, D.

Ethical Changes in the Classroom Words: Length: 25 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : During the decades of the s and s senior commanders in all the services began to exert their influence on the direction… Bibliography Angelo, T. In the… References Cullen, P. However, it is unknown to these patients and can… References Brown, D. Ethical Issues Have Been Increasingly Brought to Words: Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : They were focused on creating large… References Wall Street's Role. Ethical Issues for Business Organizations in the Words: Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Hence, business organizations are also responsible to act ethically in relation to their use of the resources of the environment and to the extent that they influence it in adverse ways, such as by polluting… References Alder, C.

Ethical Views Affect the Practice Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : This is why it is imperative that all attorneys understand their ethics, so that they can augment them to… Bibliography Graham, R. Ethical Issues and Dilemmas Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : The disadvantage is that… References: Crain, W. Information Security Ethical Situation Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Information… References Masrom, M. Ethical Aspects in Research Studies the Essential Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : In this regard, ethics focus on ensuring consent is obtained, no harm is done, the participant's privacy is respected, and… References Austin, W.

Ethical Practice Involves Working Positively Diversity Difference Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : A course of action or a decision… References BACP Ethical Framework. Ethical Practices Within Business Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Over a century, BP, the formerly Anglo-Persian Oil Company… Work Cited Carl, Safina. Ethical Awareness Inventory Results and Analysis Results Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : The results are indeed… References Abbott, A. Ethical Failure Read the Encyclopedia of Ethical Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Violations of this law can merit fines, imprisonment for up to 2 years,… References Encyclopedia of Unethical Failure.

Ethical Theories the Three Basic Ethical Theories Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Finally, while virtues-based ethics purports to offer individuals instruction for the cultivation of ideal behavioral traits, by definition it cannot offer a universal ethical norm, as it is based… References Begley, A. Ethical Issue on Abortion Words: Length: 9 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : ade, I am in support… Works Cited Abort Ethical Issues in Nursing Scenario the Scenario Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Ethical Branding Case of Divine Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Literature Review Paper : The graduates and educated high income group is also tilted towards… References: Britain, G , Fair trade and development: seventh report of session , Vol.

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Ethical Dilemma the Fourteen Decision-Making Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Make an educated guess about what is the core problem; choose the… Works Cited Decision-making worksheet. Ethical Unethical Dilemma There Has Been Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Article Review Paper : This especially comes in when it affects small scale producers of software's as they will incur big losses… Reference Williams, R. Ethical and Legal Obligations in Financial Reporting Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Ethical Unethical Dilemma the New Leader Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Article Review Paper : Ethical Organization Establishing an Organization Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : This is an organization whose… References Anthony, John H.

Ethical Issue at Work Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Certainly, smokers have the same… References Washington Post; "Who's Protecting Workers' Health. Ethical and Societal Issues of Words: Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Ethically this raises the question of whether the advertisers are more adept at the selling of violent acts than products, as the brains of the audience members they are selling products… References Charlie Cray Ethical Dilemmas in Business Case One This Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : According to the Act, misappropriation is obtaining… Works Cited: Ackerman, Frank, and Kevin Gallagher.

Ethical Issues Raised by Biomedical Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Ethical Issues in Performing Unnecessary Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Ethical Behavior in Business Operations Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Leadership Defining an Ethical Leader Jeffrey Immelt Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : The purpose of this analysis is to define what an ethical leader is, how managers can progress to being more ethical in their leadership style, and how Jeff Immelt, CEO of general Electric,… References Crainer, S.

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