I have also actively taken part in initiatives aimed at raising money for the American Cancer Society because of my belief in helping the needy, examples of nhs essays. National Honor Society takes a keen interest in these two qualities. But I believe that physical training strengthens not only body but character, too. Live Chat. Here are five strategies: 1.
The national honor society essay example
What do former first lady Michelle Obama, actor Chadwick Boseman, singer-songwriters Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood, and baseball legend Cal Ripken Jr. have in common? They were all members of the National Honor Society NHS, examples of nhs essays. As you apply examples of nhs essays membership in this national organization, remember NHS membership is based on meeting criteria in four areas that the NHS calls its four pillars: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. The first pillar, scholarshiprequires that a student earns a minimum cumulative grade point average GPA of 3. Most high schools require students to write a word essay that showcases their commitment and accomplishments in the other three pillars.
Service refers to the contributions you make to your school and or community on a volunteer basis, without receiving any compensation. For your most significant service activities, examples of nhs essays, be sure to explain why you choose to support certain organizations and why you chose specific roles. Showcase your leadership in your school and or community while working with or for others. Remember, stating that you are the captain of a team, president of a club, or supervisor of a shift does not prove examples of nhs essays you are a leader. A leader makes things happen, sets a good example, and inspires others to give their personal best.
Clearly state why you were selected to hold a leadership position and how you effectively lead. There are many successful leadership styles. Communicate your unique brand of leadership. Character is how you conduct yourself with high standards of honesty, reliability, and respect for others. Many attributes define good character, and they all reflect a personal commitment to ethical and compassionate interactions with others as well as how you treat yourself. Results are only part of the story. How you achieved them is critically important to communicate.
Think about how many NHS applications your school counselor reviews each year. Not every student who completes an application is selected for the honor. So how do you make your essay stand out? Here are five strategies:. Your application form provides the facts about the scope and range of your involvement and contributions to your communities. Be sure that you write your essay in a way that brings this data to life. A compelling essay enables the reader to feel a strong connection to you. Examples of nhs essays your unique values, aspirations, and priorities. Be honest about challenges and what you have learned through your mistakes.
And be sure the tone of the essay sounds like you and nobody else. People love to hear and remember stories, not simply facts and figures. Express themes and points that you want to share by relaying stories that bring these concepts to life. Stories can be poignant, funny, suspenseful, or surprising, examples of nhs essays. Any approach that makes a reader want to continue reading is a great one. Many students find it hard to express their hard-earned accomplishments without sounding boastful. Proudly stating your achievements without sounding brash is possible and important. Clearly state your motivations, your challenges, your vulnerabilities, and your mistakes to mitigate any concerns. Do you have a clear thesis around which you have organized your thoughts? Compelling topic sentences to hook your reader?
Strong supporting sentences to back up your reasoning? Have you avoided clichés? Do you vary your sentence structure and word choice? Does the text flow and keep the reader engaged? Last, but not least, have you checked and double-checked your grammar, examples of nhs essays, punctuation, and spelling? Writing is an iterative process so give yourself the time necessary to land on the best approach for explaining why you are deserving of the NHS honor. There are many ways to tackle an essay. Try a few to determine which is the most effective. Then, when you determine the best approach and are satisfied with your latest draft, examples of nhs essays, share it with someone whose opinion you value. Looking for someone to read over your essay? Our peer review system will help you get feedback from other students so that you can improve your NHS essay and college essays.
While there is not a single template for a strong essay, here is an example of an NHS essay written by an 11th-grade student who was accepted into NHS. Success is not only about improving yourself, but also about improving life for others. While my GPA shows my commitment to academics, how I spend my time and conduct myself outside of school reveal my commitment to making the world a better place, consistent with the values of the National Honor Society. For the two years my grandfather lived in a nursing home, each weekend Examples of nhs essays took my dog EJ to visit him. Because of this experience and because monkeys are my favorite animal, when I heard about Helping Hands HHthe only organization in the world that raises capuchin monkeys to be live-in assistants to people with spinal cord injuries, I reached out to volunteer.
Both in the summer and during the school year, I assist the trainers. Monkeys begin training when they are teenagers. It typically takes three to five years until they are ready to be placed with a person. My first job is to examples of nhs essays the cages of 60 monkeys. Not my favorite responsibility. While not glamorous, my work is critical to the success of the initiative. The physical support the monkeys provide is unbelievable. In the spring, summer, and fall I also volunteer at Gaining Ground GGa non-profit that grows organic produce to donate to food pantries, shelters, examples of nhs essays, and meal programs, examples of nhs essays. When I volunteered at a local food pantry, it struck me that recipients receive mostly canned and packaged food.
I think it is important that people in need receive fresh fruits and vegetables, and I enjoy the physical work of weeding, harvesting, cleaning, and packing produce. Soon after I began volunteering at GG, my rabbi gave a sermon about the working conditions of tomato farmers in Florida. Both chains have now agreed, showing that a little effort by many people makes a difference. At the annual nighttime football game, one of my soccer teammates not someone I hang with was drunk, examples of nhs essays. Concerned that my teammate would fall and hurt herself, I brought her outside the stadium, called examples of nhs essays parents, and waited with her until they came — without worrying about social retribution.
Despite getting grounded, she thanked me for my help. I would be honored to be recognized by NHS for my service, leadership, and character. Thank you for your consideration. Essays are important components of applications to selective colleges. Getting into NHS is also an honor that may boost your application at some schools. This tool will factor in your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and more to calculate your odds of admission at hundreds of schools across the country. National Honor Society: Four Pillars and Essay As you apply for membership in this national organization, remember NHS membership is based on meeting criteria in four areas that the NHS calls its four pillars: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.
Scholarship The first pillar, scholarshiprequires that a student earns a minimum cumulative grade point average GPA of 3. Service Service refers to the examples of nhs essays you make to your school and or community on a volunteer basis, without receiving any compensation. Leadership Showcase your leadership in your school examples of nhs essays or community while working with or for others. Character Character is how you conduct yourself with high standards of honesty, reliability, examples of nhs essays, and respect for others, examples of nhs essays.
Five Tips for Writing Your NHS Essay Think about how many NHS applications your school counselor reviews each year. Here are five strategies: 1. Make it Personal and Individual Your application form provides the facts about the scope and range of your involvement and contributions to your communities. Share Your Stories People love to hear and remember stories, not simply facts and figures. Be Humble and Bold Many students find it hard to express their hard-earned accomplishments without sounding boastful. Draft, Edit, examples of nhs essays, Edit, Edit, Polish Writing is an iterative process so give yourself the time necessary to land on the best approach for explaining why you are deserving of the NHS honor.
NHS Essay Example While there is not a single template for a strong essay, here is an example of an NHS essay written by an 11th-grade student who was accepted into NHS.
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Building the future I want takes much effort, but when I see a goal, I find a way. I believe that my membership in NHS is a one more towards my goal to achieve success. I want to become a leader and a decent role-model for other people. Every day I make one step towards making my dreams come true. My GPA of 3. Throughout the years of studying, I have participated in academic competitions you can see their list in my resume. Taking part in spelling contests, I achieved some good results. In the 7 th grade, I was the third and became a winner in the 8 th grade. I like the taste of victory and I am ready to work hard for it. Another my interest is programming.
I take additional courses to improve my skills. I am not a genius Sheldon Cooper of our time, but I do maximum to develop my natural abilities. When I was a student of the second grade, I started wearing glasses. As it happens pretty often, unfortunately, I was bullied. I did not know what to do. I was weak, lonely and scared. I did not tell my parents, had no will to go to school, study and sometimes even live. It continued for almost a year. At some point, I got tired of being a victim and stood up against the bully. I am proud of that boy I became that moment. Becoming older, I started trying kids understand all the horror of bullying. Every year I organize anti-bullying day. With the permission and assistance of the leaders, teachers and other active students of our school, we inform students about bullying and teach them to fight it.
I believe that our effort is not worthless. In future, I want to do more to victims from bullying, violence and crimes. Three evenings a week I spend in the swimming pool training. I have been practicing jumping into the water since I was seven years old. But I believe that physical training strengthens not only body but character, too. Every time when you have to overcome pain, fatigue, and laziness, you become a stronger person. All the medals and diplomas I have make me believe that when I want something, I achieve it. Becoming a chosen candidate for national honor society, I see that my school is the place where my leadership qualities are valued.
I am proud to be its representative whenever I get such an opportunity. I would be excited to join such a society because of the limitless opportunities it would present to me. Joining NHS would allow me to grow as a person and do as much as I can for others. In my years as a student, I have shown great examples of scholarship, leadership, character and service that I believe would qualify me to join this prestigious society. I consider myself a great scholar because I strive for excellence. I always aim to be the best in everything I do. As for effort, I make sure to fill my schedule with the most rigorous classes I can handle.
I have taken all honors classes since the beginning of high school, and I aim to continue taking honors and AP classes in the future to reach my true potential as a student. I have also been on the honor roll since freshman year at my local high school, which demonstrates my eagerness to perform at the highest level I can. I believe that all students should try their best in everything they do, as I have demonstrated. As a scholar, I believe I am qualified to join this society. In addition to being a scholar, I can definitely be considered a leader. Recently, I was invited to participate in the National Young Leaders Conference in Washington, D. This invitation indicates that I place emphasis on standing out from the crowd and demonstrating my unique qualities.
For example, I cofounded an Indian dance club at my high school. This club is important because it is the first dance club at my school. It allows members of all ethnicities and races to enjoy and learn Indian dance, thereby promoting cultural diversity. In addition to school-related activities, I also bring my passions to the outside community. One example of this is my role as a youth leader at the temple that I regularly attend. This position allows me to explore my interest in Hindu mythology with other members. I am able to translate this attraction into classical dance, skits, lectures, and musical instruments that help young members embrace their cultural identity.
I consider myself to have a great character to join NHS. I embrace all ethnicities and celebrate the differences within everyone that ironically bring us closer. I have a positive attitude that comes in handy when communicating with others. I definitely believe in the idea that each person shapes his or her own destiny. This means that I recognize the importance of always doing my best so that I may shape my life into what I want it to be.
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