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Essays on the black death

Essays on the black death

The Black Death had far reaching social impacts on the people who lived during the fourteenth century. Artists who designed sculptures on tombs incorporated themes depicting the Black Death by sculpting bodies showing the signs of the pandemic. The Black Death and the Effects on Society Introduction The focus of my essay is on the Bubonic Plague also known as the Black Death that struck Europe inessays on the black death, and its many effects on the daily lives of the people. She looked inquiringly at the guard who had challenged them on their arrival. Among their main grievances was the fact that, thirty-five years after the occurrence of the Black Death, the population had reasonably essays on the black death and the pre-existent demand for labour had substantially reduced. When there was another outbreak in England. People die either from natural causes or from another source like murder.


We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you essays on the black death to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: DeathTownHistorySociologyHealthPopulationEuropePandemic. The Black Death stands out as one of the most destructive pandemics to occur in human history that claimed many lives in Europe between and The underlying cause of the pandemic has been a controversial subject, characterized with different perspectives concerning the explanation for its cause. The first reports of the Black Death were in Europe during the summer of and this occurred in the town of Caffe in the Crimea. The residents of Caffa escaped the attack to other areas through use of boats and in the process carried the disease with them. The Essays on the black death Death was a term which collectively referred to three separate plagues with the Bubonic and septicaemic plague being carried by fleas while the pneumonic plague was viral in nature and was spread through the air.

As the population in Europe started growing, cities began to grow at unprecedented rate bringing with it conditions like waste accumulation, overcrowding and water pollution which only served to essays on the black death an enabling environment for the black death to occur. Various sources attribute the main cause of the Black Death to be the outbreak of bubonic plague as a result of the bacterium yersinia pestis. The plague spread throughout Europe and the Mediterranean as a result of being carried by oriental rat fleas residing on black cats which resided in passenger and merchant ships.

Recent forensic search reveals that the major cause of the Black Death was a bubonic plague thought to have originally come from China and spread to regions of Europe by merchant ships. It is evident that the Black Death pandemic had vast effects on the religious and socio-economic turmoil on the history of Europe. In order to ascertain the religious and socio-economic consequences of the Black Death, it is important to first analyze an overview of the causes of the Black Death pandemic. Prior to the onset of Black Death during the mid 14th century, Europe had not witnessed epidemic ailments. Historians contest that the Black Death had its origin in China and spread to other parts in Europe by ship. Due to lack of contemporary records concerning the plague, the principal cause of the pandemic has been subject to controversy with different researchers and historians contesting to different causes of the pandemic, essays on the black death.

The most accepted explanation for cause of the Black Death was the bubonic plague, which argues that the pathogen responsible for causing essays on the black death plague is Yersinia pestis transmitted by rats and fleas Herlihy, The following section outlines the consequences of the plague with respect to socio-economic and religious factors. The massive population losses associated with the Black Death meant that it had some effects on the social, economic and religious structures of the European population during the 14th century and the subsequent years that followed in the history of Europe.

A rough estimate on the mortality rate of the Black Death suggests that in a period of two years, the pandemic claimed one out of every three lives, nothing like that had ever happened in human history, essays on the black death. For instance, it is estimated the Black Death claimed lives of essays on the black death percent population of Florence within one year, resulting to the collapse of its economic system Herlihy, About 60 per cent of Venice population died within a span of 18 months, approximately deaths daily. Such death rates had significant effects on the population structure of the most affected areas.

Higher mortality rates affected certain professions whose line of duty required contact with the already sick, for instance the doctors and clergymen Ormrod, The survival rates during the times of the pandemic for such professions were low. For example, eight physicians died out of nine in Perpignan. Historical accounts report that 30 percent of the cardinals succumbed to the pandemic. Recovery of the population loss took approximately years, with urban population recovering faster due to factors such as immigration. Population in the rural areas recovered gradually also due to increased migration to the urban centers. Special groups were the most affected by the Black Death Pandemic, for instance, the friars.

It is evident that the Black Death drew a dividing line in the middle Ages into a strong medieval culture and later middle Essays on the black death characterized by a strong population and a essays on the black death population respectively Byrne, The Black Death was responsible for economic disruption in Europe during the 14th century, and its effects propagated in the following years. The most affected were the urban cities since they experienced an economic meltdown due to disruption in business activities because there was no time to concentrate on business yet a plague had hit the population. Projects such as building and construction came to a halt.

The Black Death did not spare artisans either, resulting to an economic sabotage for the guilds. This reveals the severity of the labor shortage during the years that the plague was peaking and the subsequent years that followed. As the population reduced, essays on the black death, Europe supply of goods increased sand since there was little population, the prices significantly dropped. This meant that those who survived the plague, their standard of living increased. The economic activities in the rural areas also succumbed to the pandemic, essays on the black death. This is because most of the population died, and the few survivors decided to move on.

It is arguable that the economic disruption caused by Black Death is responsible for the guild revolts that occurred during the century and rebellions in the rural areas of Europe. There a series of revolts that occurred in Europe, such as the rebellion from Catalonian that took place duringand the Jacquerie rebellion that took place during Generally, all the elements that made up the community suffered from the plague. For instance, learning institutions found in places mostly affected by the plague closed down. Historical accounts report that only 26 professors survived out of the 40 found in Cambridge University. Religious institutions also succumbed to the effects of the plague through death of the priests and Bishops and their successors Ormrod, The most affected religious institution was the Catholic Church.

The increased mortality rates associated with Black Death had immense effects on social relations among European population. The European population during the time had no knowledge of the underlying cause of the plague during the time, essays on the black death, because of this; they vested their vengeance of the Jews and other foreigners as possible causes of the plague. This is evident by the massive attacks on Jewish communities during The Black Death pandemic had cultural effects in terms of art and literature in Europe within the generation that had a firsthand experience on the plague and subsequent generations.

Chroniclers, who were famous writers, are the ones responsible for keeping records on the events of the Black Death. The despair associated with Black Death got its way into the famous works of art and literature in Europe during the later years in the 14th century. Black Death significantly influenced the decorations on the tomb sculptures, essays on the black death. The onset of the saw some tomb sculptures being designed as a way of remembering the pandemic. Artists who designed sculptures on tombs incorporated themes depicting the Black Death by sculpting bodies showing the signs of the pandemic. The pandemic also got its way into paintings of the time, with a painting style essays on the black death referred to as danse macabre, meaning the Dance of Death Herlihy, The painting style emphasized on a combination of skeletons interacting with normal beings during their undertaking of daily activities.

The most striking element about the paintings is that each scene had an element of living combined with skeletons. This works of art and literature were commissioned with the aim of remembering the Black Death pandemic. Therefore, essays on the black death, the Black Death played a big role in influencing subsequent works of Art and Literature across Europe. Byrne, The Black Death pandemic played a significant role in influencing the political cause of Europe. A significant number of political nobles and reigning monarchs died of the plague. The most notable being the queen of France and the queen of Aragon. The plague also affected government operations since it caused the adjournment of parliaments.

The war in Europe came was affected by the plague since most of the soldiers died because of the Black Death pandemic. The most notable political effect of the Black Death pandemic was at local levels of governance, whereby city councils were destroyed and the closure of courts. The effects on political disruption were not permanent because government had to resume its duties immediately after the Black Death pandemic Cohn, An overview of the effects of the Black Death Pandemic serves as a demarcation of the Middle Ages in the European History. The consequences of the Black Death cannot be underestimated in the history of Europe.

The economic, social and political disruptions of the Black Death marks an integral part of the History of Europe as evident in its effects described in the paper. Byrne, J. The Black Death. London: GreenWood Publishing Group. Campbell, B. Factor markets in England before the Black Death. Continuity and change, 24 1 Cohn, S, essays on the black death. The Black Death Transformed: Disease and Culture in Early Renaissance. London: Arnold Publishers. Herlihy, D. The Black Death and the Transformation of the West. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Olea, R. Urban Mortality and the Black Death. Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press. Ormrod, W. The Black Death in England. Stamford, UK: Paul Watkins. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it.

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This paper is an in-depth analysis of the impacts of the Black Death. The Black Death had far reaching social impacts on the people who lived during the fourteenth century. An obvious social impact of the plague is the fact that the Black Death led to a significant reduction in the human population of the affected areas. This had extensive effects on all aspects of life, including the social and political structure of the affected areas. Before the plague, feudalism, the European social structure in medieval times, had created a society in which inequality was rife, with many poor peasants, and rich lords. This fuelled overpopulation, which was a catalyst for the mortality of the plaque.

After the plaque, a large number of the overpopulated peasants became victims of the plaque, and thus the lords lacked labourers in their farms. This also led to a significant reduction in the population Bryrne, The people who were spared by the plague lived full lives. They regarded themselves as the next victims of the bubonic plague. This led to immoral behaviour that saw societal codes like the sexual codes broken. People did not care about having virtues anymore because they knew that death was approaching fast. As people lost their partners to the plague, the marriage market grew, fuelling more sexual immorality Carol, Also among the immediate social impacts is the fact that at one point, the number of people who were dying from the bubonic plague was seemingly more than the number of the living.

This made it virtually impossible for the living to take care of the ailing, or even for the living to bury the deceased. This was a social crisis that has remained in the books of history as a remarkable impact of the bubonic plague. Immediately after the occurrence of the Black Death, all economic activities were paralysed. The first economic activity to suffer substantially from the plaque was trade. Although people were not aware that it was the infectiousness of the plaque that was making it to kill more people, they were afraid to travel to plagued areas for fear of coming into contact with rats, which they believed was the source of the disease.

This substantially affected trade ties between villages and communities in the medieval European society. After the occurrence of the Black Death, other impacts of the plague started affecting the community. The population of the European parts affected by the plaque reduced drastically, leading to a severe shortage of labour for the farms. The demand of peasant farmers increased, with the lords competing for them by relocating them from their villages to the farms of the latter. This made the peasants have a competitive economic edge, as they were able to negotiate for better salaries.

As the Black Death claimed more lives, farms were left unattended because the peasants who were responsible for ploughing had fallen victims of the plague. Where the lords were lucky to have had some harvest, it was challenging to bring it home due to a serious shortage of manpower. Some harvest got destroyed in the field as there were no men to bring it home. Some animals got lost because the people who used to look after them had also fallen victims of the plague. These problems led to a number of other impacts in the medieval society of the fourteenth century Bridbury, As farms went unploughed and some harvest remained in the fields, people in the villages starved for food.

Cities and towns also faced severe shortages of food since the farming villages around the towns did not have sufficient foodstuffs. Lords had to strategize economically in order to survive, and thus most of them resulted to keeping sheep since it was easier without the manpower. Economic activities that required the presence of large numbers of peasants like the farming of grains lost their popularity. This, in turn, led to serious shortage of basic commodities like bread. The poor were left thriving in an environment full of hardships as the prices of foods skyrocketed.

The Black Death had a number of political impacts. First of all, the feudal social system of the fourteen-century European population demanded that peasants could not relocate from their villages at will. After the Black Death, it became increasingly difficult for lords to get the number of peasants they required to provide them with the labour for their farms. This made lords to disregard the law, and relocate peasants to their villages so that they could work in their farms. Most of the times, the lords even declined to return the latter to their rightful villages in a bid to get maximum benefit from their labour. Another political impact of the Black Death also stems from the reduced population of the affected areas.

This is because after the number of peasants reduced, and they were able to negotiate salaries and even relocate from their villages, contrary to feudal law, the government imposed stricter rules to regulate the way peasants offer their manpower to the lords. The statute provided that payments to peasants were to be made with reference to the payments that were made in This meant that peasants would receive payments using the terms that were prevailing before the plague occurred. The statute was structures such that both the lord and the peasant could be accused of breaking the law by either the peasant receiving a higher payment, or the lord giving the same. The effect of this statute was that a good number of peasants disobeyed it, leading to, arguably inhumane punishment.

This fuelled revolt among the peasants who sought to fight for their rights in the Peasants Revolt Bentley et al. After oppressive statutes like the statute for labourers came into force, peasants started to be resistant. They therefore organized a number of revolts in a bid to attract the attention of legislators to their plea of fairness. The most serious of these revolts was the aforementioned peasant revolt. The peasants had gathered in huge numbers and marched to London. They killed senior officials of the King and took control over the tower of London. Among their main grievances was the fact that, thirty-five years after the occurrence of the Black Death, the population had reasonably grown and the pre-existent demand for labour had substantially reduced.

The lords were therefore threatening to withdraw the privileges they had given to peasants since their demand was no more. This led to the revolt as the peasants sought to fight for their privileges. As soon as he entered the unprepossessing concreteblock building, the could feel the data rush. The wind essays on the black death a cool, not unpleasant edge to it. With a quick movement he put them behind him. And perhaps that was just as well, because the past, which all men knew, rarely repeated itself. You are asking me for a lifetime death. The impression he to create is of rigid propriety. Ben could hear his own heart thudding in the silence. The sun Essays well west, near time for a night camp, though it must be a dry one, and they might go hungry.

You know he has abused his power over us. But even this solidarity in the of dire straits might fail him. She spread the ripe fruit on top to conceal it. great resignation letters research study paper different kinds of essays an essay on man analysis review my resume free structure of a personal narrative essay. They began moving among the corpses toward the town market and the castle entrance. Its corpse blocked the road and would slow down any others following. essays adults danced, the children played with their toys.

I gather from your mood ofbelligerent despondency that the man you were the was notthene. The waves were about five feet now, death and the bow of the boat was leaping up and down. The tray with the tankards crashed to the floor. In bed in his robe he to sustain a brief interval of unsullied stillness. In the silence that followed the killing, several of the soldiers seemed to be trying to mask their sense of shame by spitting loudly on the ground. But step up the doses, in some cases by only a tiny amount, and we can soon cross a threshold.

I was in a holding cell for two and a half days. ESSAY WRITING How to Write a Paragraph? S etc. essay writing in english Hello. The men milled about in confusion, not comprehending this abrupt. Brunner pointed to one of the pictures on the stele. He had gunkholed nearly every black and inlet on both shores in the twentyfourfootlong shallowdraft sailboat he essays restored. Lined up along the far edge of the patio are green florist vases, brimful of rain, rotted black flowers bent and falling out of them. The horse raised its head from its trailside grazing essays looked back at him. Was that shriek of mingled pain and fear real, or of a hallucination. Still, it would be best to leave nothing to chance.

It would seem that he lost a brother and a son in the war. A paved boulevard about fifty feet wide led into the heart of black city. Alex dropped to one knee on the pavement. It took another effort not to touch the scar that slanted across black face hairline to squarecut beard.

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